Importance Of Newborn Skin Care During The First 100 Days
Your newborn’s skin is super delicate and requires utmost love and care. Especially in the first 100 days. The baby’s skin is its first line of defense against the harsh environment and needs to be nurtured carefully. We’ve combined a list of our favorite skincare ideas to help you get through.
Newborn skin care tips: Do’s and Don’t’
Do not give frequent baths
One of the most essential part of a newborn baby care after birth, is its bath. Though, all parents feel that it is actually necessary to give baby a bath every day, sometimes even twice a day, it is actually not wise to do so. Frequent bathing leaves the baby’s skin dry as all the natural oils in the body are removed. This may also cause eczema. For newborn skin care in the 1st month at least, bathe your baby thrice a week and give them a sponge bath for the rest of the days. Make sure to re-apply the softest baby cream available and keep their skin hydrated throughout. This will strengthen their cells and further provide an attractive fragrance. Remember how soft baby’s feet are? Keep them soft this way.
Wash new clothes once before wear
This is one thing we would have heard frequently from our elders too. Since, it has been in the store and might be touched by a thousand hands; you should always wash the new clothes bought for your child. While you are at it, make sure you use baby cloth detergents, which are said to be chemical free. Also, do not wash your baby’s clothes along with yours; it should be washed separately, or else it might end up getting a rash. We’d like to add that if possible, use organic cotton clothes wherever possible. The benefits are immense, and your babies will be protected from harsh chemicals that are put in non-organic clothes.
Give massages
It is a known fact that massages calm downs the nerves and are a de-stressor for the adults. For babies too, giving a massage soothes them and they sleep more peacefully. Also, massages are said to boost immunity and strengthen the bones of the baby. This activity can be done every day. One more advantage of the massage is the fact that as you are massaging the baby, you will also realize if something is wrong with the skin, in case there is a rash or some bump in the skin that you would have otherwise missed. Also, do not expose your baby to the sun too much.
Change diapers frequently
If you are using diapers, make sure you change it frequently. The baby is not used to the idea of a diaper and will not be able to tell you if it is feeling uncomfortable. It is up to you to check it time and again or your baby might end up getting rashes. Always have a diaper cream in handy and be gentle while using the wipes.
Reduce on the powder as it is said that if the baby even gets a sniff of it, it might affect the lungs. Lotion is the safest. Also, avoid using perfumes or deodorants when around your baby as it is a major irritant.
Skin is the most sensitive part of anyone’s body, and more so of a baby. Follow a healthy skin routine and take care of your newborn in the best way possible. Consult with your doctors and get into a cycle soon.
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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed/shared in the blog above are personal opinions of the writer. Berrytree recommends you consult with your doctor/pediatrician/family before instinctively following any suggested steps