Why Organic?
A lot of times we’re asked about what Organic Cotton is or why we chose to go ahead with Organic Cotton. Here’s a list of pointers we made for your easy understanding. One thing’s for sure, it’s a great, great product and we couldn’t just keep it to ourselves, so we brought it to you!

Baby’s Skin:
We know babies, and we can’t stress enough about how delicate their skin is. It takes a while before their skin develops resistance to harmful chemicals and the harsh environment. Which is why we see a lot of rashes today. Organic Cotton is naturally, heavenly soft. It’s chemical free and allows the skin to breathe freely.

When you buy Organic Cotton, you support the well-being of a handful of farmers that have understood the importance of organic farming. These farmers put in numerous hours of strict labor and patience in order to produce a fantastic crop that is clean, sustainable and chemical free.

Organic Cotton is grown using traditional farming techniques which include crop rotation, use of natural manures, and recycling of water. Unlike Non-Organic farming, it restricts the use of harmful chemicals, thereby making it a more environmentally friendly and a sustainable product.

It is believed that nearly 20% of all water pollution comes from making non-organic clothing. We aim to reduce this number by helping the world shift to Organic

Harmful chemicals in Non-Organic clothing tend to weaken the cotton fiber which makes the garment tear. Organic Cotton Clothing, on the other hand, can last up to 5 times longer, and it gets softer each time you wash it. Giving your baby the ultimate comfort.
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