The Wows And Woes Of Being Parents!
Parenthood is the most satisfying jobs of all. The troubles or worries you have just vanishes when you hold your child or look at their funny antics. Well, parenthood sure is rewarding, but at the same time, it is also taxing in many other ways. We bring to you The Wows and Woes of Being Parents!
The Wows
Bringing new life into the world.
You would have often heard the words “the miracle of life,” and parenthood is exactly as it sounds. The baby that you have in your hands is what you have created and there is no joy compared to that.
Watching them grow
There is no joy greater than watching your child grow in front of you. You are their first teacher and they see the world through your eyes. Sometimes, a great responsibility like bringing up a child is what gives you a reason to live.
The love that they shower on you
No matter what you are or what you do, your child will always consider you their superhero. Their warm hugs and love-filled kisses will refresh your mood instantly.
You always have company.
When there is no one around you and you need some company, your child is your best companion. Want to watch a movie? Take them along. Want to go for a drive? They will be more than willing to give you company. You will never be alone.
No sleep
As a new parent, there will be absolutely no sleep as they would not sleep through the night. Even, as they are growing up, there are times when they fall sick, and then again, you will lose your sleep over that.
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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed/shared in the blog above are personal opinions of the writer. Berrytree recommends you consult with your doctor/pediatrician/family before instinctively following any suggested steps