must haves for baby's first year

List Of Essentials That Must Haves For Baby's First Year

Congratulations! Your bundle of joy has arrived and you can’t just wait for this new phase of your life to begin. Now go thru LIST OF ESSENTIALS that must haves for baby's first year  While you must be going through an emotional roller-coaster, your baby’s first year is when the maximum developmental milestones happen. “What Should I buy for the first baby?” – You ask. Well, here are the answers you are looking for.

Must Haves For Baby's First Year 


These are the most essentials of all. Your baby will grow a lot during this period and you need to keep buying new clothes every three months. There are a lot of brands to choose from and lot of varieties too; right from rompers to frocks (if it is a girl) to the traditional ones – you will be spoilt for choice. Age groups usually are 3 to 6 months, 6 to 9 months, etc.  Don’t forget to buy baby detergent to wash those clothes.

Toys and Books

Right from the ones that improve their auditory sense to visual sense; there are also toys that are musical. The toys claim to develop multiple sensory in the baby and it would be difficult for you to make a choice. One thing we feel is an absolute essential is the play-mat, or as they call it now, play-gym. This allows your baby to stretch the body and make it more flexible. It comes in different models and different price range, so choose according to your wish. Anytime after four to five months, is also the best time to introduce picture books to your child.

Car seats/Strollers/Slings

Slings are very much in fashion now. One advantage of it, they say, is that the baby is closer to the mom’s body and that is one of the ways of bonding with your newborn. Strollers are also a wise choice and come with multiple options these days. You could also use both from time to time. Car seats are a must for the safety of your child while traveling. They are safe and secure; also, the baby gets used to the idea of traveling without any assistance. Of course, you will be seated next to them, but still will not have to hold them the whole time.

Sippers/ Bowls

When your baby turns six months old, you are going to start with the solids. So designate a separate bowl, spoon and sipper for them. They will be excited to eat too! Along with that, you could also invest in a high chair and some bibs; feeding will become easier. 

Of course, you soaps, shampoos, diapers and wet wipes, nursing pillow are also essential, but we assume that you would have bought it even before the baby had arrived. There are many things that must haves for baby's first year – from flipping on its backside to front to all other things adorable. Enjoy this time as it will never come back!

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed/shared in the blog above are personal opinions of the writer. Berrytree recommends you consult with your doctor/pediatrician/family before instinctively following any suggested steps

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