How to Buy Clothes for your Little Ones

It is easy for new parents to be confused while looking for babies dress in a world where they are bombarded with conflicting opinions by friends and relatives. The important thing to keep in mind while shopping for babies dress is that one must focus on well-fitted clothes, that clip-button up on the front rather than the back. For babies dress, it more important to focus on comfort and safety rather than style.

Another important thing to note is that you should buy clothes for babies that are easy to get on and off so that diaper changes can be smoother. Here’s an in-depth guide on how to buy clothes for your little one that is equally comfortable and stylish.

How to buy Baby Clothes

Tips for Buying Baby Clothes

  • Weather: 

    This is a big one. It is important to analyse the weather and climate of where you live before filling up your babies wardrobe. Parents living in an area with a hotter climate should opt for looser organic cotton clothes for babies. Go for single-layered clothes, like onesies without pant holes, to ensure that your babies skin can breathe and they do not get uncomfortable with a lot of sweat. An example of this would be our Organic Cotton Baby Onesie Unicorns. While parents living in colder climates can for layering babies dress. The heat gets trapped in between the layers of the clothing. While doing this, it is important to not put too many layers because that isn’t good for the baby. Also, ensure that the first layer in contact with their skin is extremely soft. To begin, layer an organic cotton onesie with a long-sleeved t-shirt, sweaters and pants. Additionally, you can add a snowsuit for extremely cold climates. 

    • Safety: 

      While shopping for babies dress, it is not difficult for parents to get carried away by cute-looking clothing with intricate detailing. It is important to look for clothing that is safe for babies. What that means is- look for clothing that clips all the way down the front and does not fit around your baby’s neck too tightly. Babies dress should not have cords or ties, small buttons, ribbons, and decorative items. These can turn out to be a choking hazard for the baby. Therefore try to avoid any sort of intricate detailing or decoration for your babies dresses. 

      • Movement: 

        Babies do not like it when their movement is restricted. They start crying when they feel suffocated and constrained and many parents don’t understand the reason for their baby’s irritability. Besides, it is important for you as a parent to facilitate your babies independence to move. Find clothing with comfortable fabrics and elastics, like organic cotton fabric. Choose babies dress with fabrics that are light and allow your babies skin to breathe. Also, choose clothes that have waistline elastics that won’t be too tight around your baby’s belly area. Berrytree’s range of organic cotton rompers makes your baby feel comfortable without them feeling restricted, check out our range of organic cotton onesies and rompers for maximum comfort in adorable prints.

        • Long hours: 

          Dressing up your little one for a party or a quick trip to the mall? Finding the perfect dress for going out with your baby and figuring out how to keep your baby comfortable for hours on end can be quite difficult. The best way to dress babies up for long hours is to start with a light onesie and then build the layers up from there according to the weather. Make sure that clothes don’t make the baby sweat or tighten around their skin after a while. Another thing to note is that if your baby soils their diaper, the clothing shouldn’t stick to it, that could lead the baby becoming irritable. 

          • Physical Development: 

            Studies show that the average baby gains 5 to 6 kgs and grows about 25 cms taller in the first year itself. This rate of physical development may vary from child to child, but most children grow rapidly in their early years. Due to this growth rate, babies dress should be bought with short term use in mind (this does not mean a parent should compromise on quality). It is said that sizing up while buying babies dress is useful. Our brand follows a sizing chart that goes something like this -

            •  0-3 Months
            • 3-6 Months
            • 6-9 Months
            • 9-12 Month

            A dynamic sizing chart like this helps you choose the right fit of babies dress for your little one. It also helps you buy comfortable clothes for babies so that they have plenty of room to move, and you have enough diaper space and comfort to change them seamlessly.

            Check out our Organic Cotton Rompers and Onesie’s here.

            When your child feels comfortable, they will automatically feel more inclined to grasp basic motor skills. Think of it in this way- the more comfortable your babies dress is, the happier and more playful they are. Lastly, a baby or a young child doesn’t always cooperate while getting dressed, making it irritating for the child and the parent. So remember the three most important things while dressing a baby up, make it easy, comfortable, and convenient- for both, you, and the baby.

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